WebAR experiments

The goal of this collection is to provide a set of basic examples that introduce the various features in the Javascript-based Augmented Reality (AR) library and Three.js.


AR.JS is a web library that is built on top of the ARToolKit library. ARToolKit solves two key problems in AR: viewport tracking and virtual interaction, it detects the device camera and places a virtual camera to calculate the point to overlay the 3D graphics. AR.JS main features are Image Tracking, Location based AR and Marker tracking.

In this link you can find a boiler-plate for AR.js + Three.js + Webpack.
These examples focuses on Marker Tracking:

Hello Cube

virtual cube on a marker

A basic scene that superimposes a cube on a AR.JS marker.

source code


virtual torus rotating and reflecting the environment

Creates a rotating torus knot above a custom marker. The surface of the knot refracts the scene behind it.

source code

Reflection and Refraction

bubbles come out from a marker

Bubbles come out of a marker, cast shadows and reflect the physical environment.

source code

Text example

text fall on a marker

3D text fall towards a marker position, using Cannon.js physics library.

source code

Hole in the wall

Hole in the wall effect

A "hole in the wall" effect. Uses a box geometry to mask the hidden parts of the hole.

source code

Hole in the wall #2

Hole in the wall effect

Another "hole in the wall" effect, masking a 3D model indside a box geometry.

source code


Portal to another world effect

Creating a "portal to another world" effect. Only visible from one side. Not very robust. Inspired by Lee Stemkoski portal view.

source code

Video and shader

video evolve to noise

Video texture start with a marker trigger, evolves to particles noise when finished.

source code

Accessibility practices with AR.js

Lost marker notification

notification when marker is lost

Adding notification when the marker is lost to assit in re-aiming the camera.

source code

Found marker vibration

sphere with noise affected by vibration

Adding a device vibration when the marker is found, affecting the 3D sphere.

source code


webXR is a group of standards which are used together to support rendering 3D scenes to hardware designed for presenting virtual worlds (VR) or for adding graphical imagery to the real world (AR).

In this link you can find a boiler-plate for webXR + Three.js + Webpack.

Hello Cube

virtual cube

A basic scene that superimposes a cube in the real world.

source code

3D model

virtual avocado

Loading 3D model in webXR + adding framerate debugger.

source code

3D model animation

virtual animated Jellyfish

Loading 3D animated jellyfish model in webXR.
* Model by the webXR academy.

source code

Touch Gesture

generating faces with a tap gesture

Generating a new face with tap gesture on the device.

source code

Touch Gesture with Hammer.js

scaling virtual object with touch gesture

Scaling 3D object using Hammer.js 'pinch' touch gesture.

source code

Spatial Audio

virtual sphere with audio lines

positioning spatial audio to come out from a virtual object.

source code using resonance audio library

source code using three.js

Hit Test

adding 3D cylinder on a surface

"Hit testing" (aka "raycasting") is the process of finding intersections between 3D geometry and a ray, comprised of an origin and direction. In this example, if a surface was detected a reticle shown and with a tap geture a 3D cylinder is added.

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showing a shadow of a virtual object

Adding shadows to the virtual scene – by using shadow material and Hit Testing to attach an invisible plane to the physical world floor.

source code

Light Estimation (Android only)

different light effect on 3D objects

Light Estimation is an experimental feature of webXR that allows to use the real environment light condition to affect the 3D models. This feature costs a lot of computational power.

source code

Image tracking (Android only)

a virtual cone on top of flower image

Image tracking is an experimental feature of webXR that allows to track an image feature and place a virtual object on top of it.

source code


Videos play according to camera position

Using Raycaster methods to pick the object the camera is pointing to. In this example the video plays if the camera points at it and pauses when it's not.

source code

Contrast adjusment & camera position

text change contrast based on camera position

With accessibility in mind, this example Adjusts the contrast of and moves the text based on physical environment colors and camera position. Not very robust.

source code